Removing Disputes

You have the right to dispute inaccuracies on your credit report

There is a common misconception that disputing your credit impacts you negatively. Under the FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act) as a consumer you have the right to contest and request verification of the debt in question.

As inaccuracies and errors are found through the dispute process they are repaired or corrected, resulting in an increase to your credit score. This can only affect you positively as it may place you in more favorable lending terms.

If disputes on your credit reports cause issues, we can help you remove them

Once you reach underwriting for your mortgage, your lender may inform you that the remaining accounts with disputes need to be resolved, and that the dispute status be removed. This can vary from lender to lender as some disputes do not cause any issues. If your lender informs you that there are disputes causing any issues, we can remove these once you are ready to move forward with your home loan in a few simple steps.

How we remove disputes from your credit report

1. Send a written request to the major credit bureaus by mail.

MSI clients ready to move forward with the lending process are assisted with this through our services. Our processing department will customize and send out these letters on your behalf. Turn around time via mail for disputes to be removed can take up to 45 days.

2. Send a written request to the major credit bureaus by fax.

MSI clients ready to move forward with the lending process are assisted with this through our services. Our processing department will send the customized letters on your behalf by fax as well as mail as mentioned above. Turn around time via fax for disputes to be removed can take up to 45 days.

3. Contact the three major credit bureaus by phone.

MSI clients ready to move forward with the lending process are assisted with this through our services. One of our client support specialists will contact each of the credit bureaus to request for these disputes to be removed. Turn around time via phone for disputes to be removed is faster as they can take as little as 24 hours, but can also take up to 30 days.

It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3! MSI Credit Solutions will leverage your consumer rights and work on your behalf to provide you superior credit repair services.

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