Choosing the Right Credit Repair Company: How Do They Dispute Items?

Choosing the Right Credit Repair Company: How Do They Dispute Items? - MSI Credit Solutions

When choosing a credit repair company the most important question you need to ask is:

“Does this company dispute everything at one time?”


We Dispute Items Aggressively to Save You Time and Money

Some credit repair companies may charge a very appealing, no contract, and low monthly cost for their credit repair services. What they may not tell you is that although they do offer a low price for their services, the disputes they provide to consumers may not be the most aggressive. In many cases consumers have reported that companies they used previously only disputed a limited amount of items at a time, although the consumers requested more items to be disputed. Consequently, this type of process drags out the time frame of services, and in the long run ends up being more costly. Not only in how much money is being spent, but also in time lost.

As stated in our service agreement, MSI Credit Solutions’ credit repair program lasts a maximum of 180 days. MSI Credit Solutions additionally provides a full audit on all items per the consumers request.

MSI Credit Solutions’ process consists of auditing questionable accounts with:

  • Major Credit Bureaus Equifax, Experian, and Transunion
  • Original Creditors
  • Collection Agencies

With our aggressive audit process, MSI Credit Solutions has seen:

  • An average deletion rate of 50%-80% of items in question.*
  • Results can be seen as early as 15-45 days.*
  • Clients on average reach their desired credit score within 90 days, with an average of a 75-150 total point increase.*


We Guide You Every Step of the Way

MSI Credit Solutions not only offers credit repair services to assist in removing inaccurate and derogatory items from credit reports. We also offer consulting services to guide consumers along the way.

Here are some of the additional consulting services you will receive:

  • Customer service support for any questions regarding your file
  • Continuous credit education from our team of credit professionals
  • Continuous credit education from our blogs and email subscriptions
  • Coaching and assistance to establish new credit to help build credit scores if needed
  • Real estate services
  • Network of mortgage lenders
  • Debt negotiation services to assist in settling any pending or validated accounts
  • Services to help remove disputes, when you are ready to close on your home loan


We Guarantee Results

Along with the great quality services you receive with MSI, we additionally offer an unmatched service guarantee. Other credit repair companies usually do not offer a set time frame or guarantee of results.


Our Clients Rate Us Highly

While other credit repair companies may show testimonials on their own site, it is usually hard to find these testimonials on credible sites such as the following where MSI Credit Solutions is rated at an average 4.8/5 stars!

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*Results may vary.