
What is a Credit Report?

The credit score we discussed in our last post stems from your credit report. Your credit score is what will essentially “get your foot in the door,” but lenders will also refer to your credit report for more detailed information. In some instances you could have a decent credit...
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What is a Credit Score?

Have you recently applied for a line of credit whether it was a credit card or loan? Were you approved or denied? If you were denied, your denial letter may have read something along the lines of “Based on our banks scoring system your information did not...
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Are Balance Transfers Good?

Today we will be covering the benefits of balance transfers. Are they good and should you take advantage of the offer? There are a couple of things we at MSI Credit Solutions advise our clients to consider before making the decision to transfer a balance. The first thing to...
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Rewards Credit Card = Free Money!

In our last blog we covered how scores are calculated and how your secured credit card is a stepping stone to future lines of credit. One of those credit lines can potentially be a rewards credit card. At MSI Credit Solutions we recommend our clients obtain at least...
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