
Seven Years of Second Chances

We are happy to announce that we have had another successful year! After 7 years, MSI continues to help people repair their credit and start all over again! Thousands of people have increased their scores each year to accomplish their financial goals in life. This year we...
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Keep Calm and Gift Responsibly

Thanksgiving is this week and after all the festivities on Thursday many will flock to stores for holiday deals. Things can get pretty stressful around this time of the year, so be sure you stop, breathe, and plan things out. So how can you try to avoid...
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What is Credit Repair?

Credit repair is the process of:
  1. Identifying errors reflecting within your credit report.
  2. Disputing the information in question.
  3. Auditing and monitoring the three credit agencies Equifax, Experian and TransUnion to ensure corrections are made to your credit report as needed.
You may ask yourself, “Why should I dispute my credit?”...
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What is a Credit Report?

The credit score we discussed in our last post stems from your credit report. Your credit score is what will essentially “get your foot in the door,” but lenders will also refer to your credit report for more detailed information. In some instances you could have a decent credit...
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