
Managing Debt: Stay Current

In continuing our debt management segment there is another trap you want to avoid. You always want to be sure that the plans you have set for yourself are actually something that will benefit you. Today we will be covering the topic of “robbing Peter to pay Paul.” Until I...
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Managing Debt: Avoid Minimum Payments

Once you have found direction as we discussed in our last blog, be sure that the plan you have set for yourself is achievable, and within a good time frame. Don’t trick yourself into an “easy way out” that may allow you to have more funds for spending elsewhere,...
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Managing Debt: Set a Plan

Consumers often find themselves struggling to find direction when they have taken the leap to manage their debts. This can often be the one factor that can ultimately defeat you if it is not planned out. Over the next couple of weeks we will be covering tips on how...
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Back to School Tips and Savings

Yup, it’s about that time kids, back to school! Seems like summer just started but the new school year is just around the corner. According to National Retail Federation’s annual survey, parents will spend more than $600 on one child! This means parents will be scrambling around to find...
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