Your payment history is the biggest factor on your credit report. Payment history makes up 35% of your credit score. This determines your track record. Are you a responsible borrower, or a risky borrower? Lenders will look at this factor to determine the possible risk of you defaulting on...
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What’s the Difference?: Short Sale Vs. Foreclosure
Due to the current state of the economy many are turning to options of performing a short sale or foreclosure on their property, but what are the differences, and how do they affect your credit?
A short sale is when a banking institution decides to accept less than...
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How do student loans affect a credit score?
Just like every other kind of loan that is extended to a consumer, a student loan, can have either a positive or a negative impact on your credit score. It all depends on how these lines of credit are managed. Defaulting on a student loan though, can...
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How to Passively Build Good Credit
We all like things to be easy. Ron Popeil taught us how to ”Set it and forget it” with the Showtime Rotisserie many years ago. If you’re over 30 you probably remember the infomercials from sleepless nights in front of the TV. The difference...
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