60 Minutes Report: 40 Million Mistakes: Is your credit report accurate?

If you haven’t watched the 60 Minutes report regarding the recent study indicating that as many as 40 million consumers have an inaccuracy on their report, we recommend you do!

In our business we know all too well the situation consumers face when they find errors on their report and their frustration in trying to correct them. This story exposes just that. With the recent study conducted by the FTC, 5% of consumers had errors on their credit reports that could result in less favorable terms for loans. This is why it is very important for consumers to check their report for any errors regularly. If reports are not checked it could potentially pose a risk to your wallet.

In the 60 Minutes interview FTC Chairman Mr. Jon Liebowitz acknowledged there are agencies, such as our company, that get professionals on your side and help assist you in the credit repair process. Agencies such as our own strictly follow the Credit Repair Organizations Act and are regulated by the FTC. Consumers do not have to be alone in this process.

Watch the video and feel free to share any questions and comments with us.


MSI Credit Solutions provides superior credit restoration and comprehensive consulting services that are reliable and affordable. For any questions or to schedule a free credit consultation, contact us at (866) 217-9841.

 *The information in this article has been provided strictly for educational purposes.


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